5 Ways to Have an Incredible, Financially Healthy Start to 2025

I’ll be honest—I love the start of a new year. While I know there's nothing magical about the calendar flipping from December 31st to January 1st, it always impacts me mentally. There’s a sense of freshness and possibility that comes with the new year. It’s a time when I pause, reflect, and ask God what He would have me do over the next twelve months. For me, the change in year feels like a clean slate, full of potential.
Maybe 2024 wasn’t the best year for your financial health. Perhaps unexpected expenses threw you off track, or you faced job loss. Maybe you made decisions that didn’t turn out as planned, and now you're dealing with the consequences. Or perhaps you've just felt stuck in a pattern of financial frustration.
Whatever your situation may be, now is the perfect time to make a fresh start. I want you to experience an amazing financial turnaround as you head into 2025. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started:
1. Ask for God’s Guidance in Your Stewardship.
The Bible teaches that God is the ultimate owner of everything. The money in your bank account is not truly "yours"; it’s His, entrusted to you for His purpose. When we recognize this truth, it changes the way we approach our finances. It means our financial decisions should be made with prayer and discernment. So, before you dive into the new year, ask God to guide you in managing the resources He has entrusted to you.
2. Avoid Overspending Right Now.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of holiday debt. With gift shopping, travel, and events, many people overspend during the holidays, starting the new year in a financial hole. Instead of looking forward to the future, they’re stuck dealing with the aftermath of overspending. Expect the pressure to overspend to be strong, but choose to resist it. Stick to your budget and avoid unnecessary debt. This will give you a much stronger financial foundation when 2025 arrives.
3. Do Your “Financial State of the Union."
There’s no better time than now to assess your financial health. A Financial State of the Union provides a clear snapshot of where you stand financially. It helps you understand your current financial situation and can reveal areas for improvement. The key areas to assess include: generosity, cash, debt, retirement savings, net worth, and goals. You can get a free copy of the Financial State of the Union here, and if you'd like to dive deeper, you can listen to a workshop on it here.
4. Set Money Goals for 2025.
As you complete your Financial State of the Union, you’ll be prompted to think about your financial goals. Now is the perfect time to set clear, specific goals for 2025. I encourage you to use the 8 Money Milestones as a guide. These milestones help answer the question, "What’s the next financial step I should take?" Whether it's paying off debt, building an emergency fund, or saving for retirement, these milestones can serve as your roadmap for a stronger financial year.
5. Consider Going Through the 8 Money Milestones Program.
If you're looking for a structured way to get your finances on track in 2025, the 8 Money Milestones program is an excellent resource. This program takes you through the key financial steps you need to take to get out of debt, manage your finances well, and live generously. You can find more information about the program here.
The new year is here, and with it comes a fresh start. Whether you’ve faced financial challenges in 2024 or just want to improve your financial health, now is the time to take action. By seeking God’s guidance, avoiding overspending, assessing your financial health, setting meaningful goals, and following a proven program, you can set yourself up for a strong 2025.
Let’s make this the year we steward our finances well and live out the possibilities God has for us.