6 Reasons Parents Don’t Save for Retirement

investing marriage and family

Generosity is the foundation for biblical financial health. So, we save for retirement to protect, support, and accelerate our generosity, even during our retirement years. Retirement is a phase of life that requires careful financial planning and preparation. Without wise preparation, a retiree's finances become characterized by thin margins instead of generous living. This is why the Bible stresses the wisdom of saving for future needs.

However, for many parents, saving for retirement takes a backseat to more immediate financial priorities and responsibilities. While providing for their children's needs and creating a better childhood for them are noble intentions, neglecting retirement savings can have serious consequences in the long run. Let’s look at six common reasons why parents often fail to save adequately for their retirement.

1. Their list of financial priorities does not include retirement.

One of the primary reasons parents don't save enough for retirement is that their financial priorities are focused on immediate needs. Responsible parents face numerous financial demands, including mortgage payments, children's education expenses, medical bills, and day-to-day living costs. The pressing nature of these expenses often leaves little room for allocating funds to retirement savings. Parents may feel compelled to prioritize their children's well-being and education over their own long-term financial security, inadvertently neglecting their retirement needs. 

2. They are overly focused on the present and rarely focused on the future.

For parents, living in the present moment is necessary, but it can also lead to overlooking the importance of planning for the future. Parents may get caught up in the daily routines and challenges of raising a family, losing sight of the fact that they will eventually retire. The sense of urgency to save for retirement might not hit them until it's too late. Without proper foresight and financial planning, parents can find themselves unprepared when they reach retirement age.

3. They attempt to give their children the childhood they didn’t have.

Some parents, who may have faced financial hardships or a lack of opportunities during their childhood, strive to provide a better life for their own children. They might go to great lengths to offer their children experiences, opportunities, and material items they feel like they missed out on. This can sometimes lead to overspending, communicating that more stuff equals a better life, and neglecting retirement savings. Parents should find a balance between providing for their children's needs, teaching their children to place their hope in God instead of stuff, and securing their own financial future.

4. They assume they have more time.

Time can be both a friend and a foe when it comes to retirement savings. Many parents assume they have ample time to start saving for retirement and delay making financial decisions. However, compound interest plays a significant role in building retirement savings, and starting early can make a massive difference. A little bit of money plus a lot of time equals a lot of money. By postponing retirement savings, parents miss out on the potential growth of their investments, which could have provided a more flexible and generous retirement.

5. They don’t understand how their current financial habits impact their children.

Parents' financial habits and attitudes toward money can significantly influence their children's current and future financial behaviors. If children grow up observing their parents not prioritizing retirement savings, they may adopt a similar approach to their own finances. This lack of financial education and role modeling can perpetuate a cycle of insufficient retirement planning and financial insecurity.

6. They don’t understand how their future financial health will impact their children.

Parents might not fully comprehend the potential consequences of inadequate retirement savings on their children's lives. If parents don't have enough savings to support themselves in retirement, they may become financially dependent on their adult children. This situation can place a significant burden on the next generation, potentially hindering their own financial aspirations and goals.


Parents face various challenges when it comes to saving for retirement. The present demands, the desire to provide for their children, and a lack of awareness about the impact of their financial choices can all contribute to inadequate retirement planning. However, it's crucial for parents to recognize the significance of securing their own financial future to avoid becoming a burden on their children and to ensure a flexible and generous retirement. By striking a balance between current responsibilities and future needs, parents can take control of their financial well-being and provide a positive example for their children to follow.